Graduation Ceremony in 12th Grade
In June, the grass looks like a green carpet on campus and Anqing Foreign Language School was full of youthful vigor. On the morning of 4th June, Anqing Foreign Language School observed the grand 2018 graducation ceremony for students from the 12th grade. President Madam Huang Wenli, Vice Principal Liu Bing, Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong, Directors Xu Zuitai, Cao Siqing and other school leaders attended the commencement. Director Xu Haihong with the Senior High Department presided over the ceremony. Also in attendance were teachers and students from the 12th grade and some parents.
In the first place, the chorus ‘Sowing Hopes’ by all the teachers and students raised the curtain of the graduation ceremony. In the musical sound of ‘the Song of Youth’, everyone watched the short video ‘Striving Youth is the Most Beautiful’ in which students’ wonderful youth on campus was recorded by a great many group photos, embraces and smiling faces, which also witnessed partings and reunions in students’ development.
In the second place, student Qian Fang from Class 8, Grade 12 delivered her graduation speech on behalf of all the students in Grade 12 in which she reviewed the ups and downs in the past three years in simple and sincere language to express students’ attachment to Anqing Foreign Language School, the deep gratitude towards the respected teachers as well as the brotherly love among fellow classmates. Each word and each sentence spoke out students’ heartfelt wishes and every departure was for better meet. It was incredible to meet you at the best age!
In the third place, student representatives presented the yearbooks to Anqing Foreign Language School. Later on, Director Xu Haihong in charge of Grade 12 delivered a keynote speech on behalf of the teachers from the 12th grade in which he affectionately expressed the happiness as a teacher and the unwillingness to part with students. Also, Director Xu Haihong sent students the best wishes in that in three years’ time, more than a thousand days and nights hurriedly slipped away unknowingly. Howerver, the dribs and drabs over the last three years were clearly embedded in our hearts. Students showcased their brilliance and glory with youth and enthusiasm, wove their high school life with diligence and wisdom. Regretless youth, the most beautiful age and the best you!
In the fourth place, Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong solemnly read out the 2018 graudation documents to all the teachers and students on behalf of Anqing Foreign Language School. He was quoted as saying, ‘Students, you graduated. Today, each one standing here is the winner! Each one who faces the College Entrance Examination is the warrior. As long as you have courage in heart, the final success will not be far away. You are the best and the most promising students! I wish you a complete success in the College Entrance Exam. May your dreams come true!’.
In the fifth palce, President Madam Huang Wenli made a passionate speech at the commencement in which Madam President stood for Anqing Foreign Language School to express her warm congratulations to all the graduates and her sincere thanks to all the faculty members who were hardworking and dedicated in addition to the parents who cared for Anqing Foreign Language School’s development and students’ growth. President Madam Huang Wenli was quoted as saying, ‘Three years ago, you entered Anqing Foreign Language School to begin the splendid and unforgettable journey with ideals and hopes. Over the three years, you stepped over an important stage in the totality of life. Anqing Foreign Language School was brilliant because of you. Students, graduation is not only a conclusion of one phase in life, but also a start of a new journey. The College Entrance Examination is three days away. I hope all of you will seize the opportunity, adjust mental attitude, pass the exam and create glories in the College Entrance Exam!’.
To conclude, at the end of the ceremony, the song ‘Tomorrow Will Be Better’ was played at the School Lecture Hall. Hereby, all the teachers and students in Anqing Foreign Language School sincerely wished all the students who graduated in 2018 a glorious victory in the 2018 College Entrance Examination! May they realize their ambitions in the future life!






